What is marketing?

Simply put, marketing is the study of promoting and selling products and services. However, marketing is a multifaceted concept that refuses to be confined to this concise definition. Here’s an in-depth overview of what marketing entails and the instrumental role it plays in bolstering businesses.

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What is a vowel?

Every language is comprised of unique sounds; these sounds are expressed through different letters and characters, and they can be divided into two categories: consonants and vowels. The word “vowel” originates from the Latin “vocalis”, which means “vocal”. As such, vowel sounds are expressed through an open vocal tract, and while they may vary in tone, pitch and duration, their general sound is easy to recognize.

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What is racism?

Racism is the term used to describe the toxic and destructive beliefs and behavior that stems from the belief that one’s race is superior to another. This includes prejudice, discrimination and antagonistic behavior directed towards others due to the belief that their race is inferior to others. This is not an exclusive behavior or belief to any single race and has been seen throughout the world and through human history.

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